Now that you have hooked up your printer, loaded the labels or tags and ribbon, and installed the printer driver software, you are ready to print your first labels.
1.Go to your
2.Open or create the label file you wish to print.
3.Once you have opened or created the label you wish to print, select Print Setup (or the equivalent) from the program’s File menu to verify that the printer driver settings are correct for your label size and print file. Be sure that the proper parameters such as speed, label gap setting and heat settings are correct for your type of media. Once these settings are correct, selet Print from the program’s File menu. Enter the number of labels you wish to print in the Copies box.
4.The printer driver will begin to process your job. Depending upon the size of the image, the speed of your PC’s processor and the amount of RAM you have in your PC, processing time can be either immediate or take several seconds.
5.Once processing is complete, the printer will begin to print. Print time depends upon the Print Speed selection you made in the Label Dr. 200 settings.
Congratulations! If everything has been done properly, you should have by now printed your first labels. Consult the remaining chapters of this manual for information on trouble- shooting, maintenance and connecting the printer to “legacy” systems.
20 Using the Printer with Windows