The following commands are for Printer Programming Language B.
All PPLB commands must be ended with <LF> or <CR>+<LF> codes. No spaces are allowed between parameters and leading command character.
Command | Description | Parameter | |
Ax,y,rot,font,hm, | Print text. | font: | 1 ~ 5 for internal |
vm,nr,string |
| font and A ~ Z |
| for soft font. |
Bx,y,rot,bar,nw, | Print Bar Code. | nw: | width of narrow |
ww,v,hum,string | bar: barcode selection | ww: | bar |
| width of wide bar | |
| v: | bar code height |
| hum: B for printing | |
| readable code and |
| N for disabling. |
bx,y,type,[…] | Print 2D Bar Code | type: | M for Maxi code |
| and P for PDF 417 |
Ccn,dn,just,step,string | Counter declaration | cn: | counter index |
| dn: | digit number |
| just: | L,R,C and N for |
| step: | field justification |
| step value | |
Dp1 | Heat setting | p1: | density, 0 ~ 15 |
EI | Print soft font names |
| |
Ekstring | Delete soft font | string: soft font name or | |
| “*” to delete all |
| soft fonts |
ESstring, …. | Download soft font |
FE | End form store |
FI | Print form names |
| |
Fkstring | Delete form | string: form name or “*” | |
| to delete all forms |
Fsstring | Execute form | string: form name | |
| |
Fsstring | Save form | string: form name | |
GGx,y,string | Print graphics | string: graphic name | |
GI | Print graphic list |
Gkstring | Delete graphics | string: graphic name or | |
| “*” to delete all |
| graphics |
GMstring,size<LF>… | Store graphics | string: graphic name | |
| size: graphic size |
| in byte |
Command Language Quick Reference 31