5. MHL (Mobile
5.MHL (Mobile High- Definition LinN)
What is it"
0RELOH+LJK'HÀQLWLRQ/LQN0+/LVDPRELOH audio/video interface for directly connecting mobile phones and other portable devices to high-
An optional MHL cable allows you to simply connect your MHL capable mobile device to this large Philips MHL display, and watch your HD videos come to life with full digital sound.
Now not only you can enjoy your mobile games, photos, movies, or other apps on its big screen, you can simultaneously charge your mobile device so you never run out of power half way.
How do I use the MHL function"
To use the MHL function, you need an 0+/&HUWLÀHGPRELOHGHYLFH7RÀQGDOLVWRI 0+/FHUWLÀHGGHYLFHVYLVLWWKHRIÀFLDO0+/ZHEVLWH (http://www.mhlconsortium.org)
<RXDOVRQHHGDRSWLRQDO0+/FHUWLÀHGVSHFLDO cable in order to use this function.
How does it worN" (how do I connect")
Connect the optional MHL cable to the mini USB port on the mobile device side, and the [MHL- HDMI] marked port on the monitor side.You are now ready to view the images on your big screen display and operate all function on you
WKHPRELOHGHYLFHVXFKDVLQWHUQHWVXUÀQJJDPH playing, photo browsing…etc. if your monitor has speaker function, then you will be able to hear accompanying sound too.When the MHL cable is disconnected or the mobile device is turned off, the MHL function will be automatically disabled.
The port marked
A mobile device with MHL certification must be purchased separately.
You may have to manually switch the monitor to
This Philips display is MHL certified. However, in case your MHL device does not connect or work correctly, check with your MHL device FAQ or vendor directly for direction. The policy of your device manufacturer may require you to purchase their brand specific MHL cable or adapter in order to work with other brand MHL devices. Note that this is not a fault of this Philips display.