Xerox 721P83071 manual System Disk, Systems Specialist, Tab, Tape Density, Task, Templates

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Magnetic disk storage medium, usually of large capacity, that is





not removable as opposed to floppy disk or disk packs.



Master software program that keeps all components working








Process whereby the system is made ready to operate. Typically





involves selecting the operative parameters and activating the





relevant software.



Maximum area in which text and graphics can be imaged on a





printing system.




Software programs that support and/or control system functions





by governing hardware operation and input/output processes,





interpreting source programs and breaking them down into





machine language, distributing tasks among various processors,





and so on.



The person(s) at a customer site responsible for software,





applications, and programming issues.





To move the cursor on a display or printer to a prespecified





column on the display or paper.





Recording media for data or computer programs. Tape can be in





permanent form, such as perforated paper tape. Generally, tape





is used as a mass storage medium in magnetic form and has a far





higher storage capacity than disk storage, but it takes longer to





write or recover data from tape than from disk.



The number of characters that can be stored on magnetic media,





such as how close together data can be recorded. The Xerox





LPS may use either 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi density magnetic media.



Input/output device that controls the movement of magnetic





storage tape past the read/write head while data is accessed or










1. Any major job performed by a computer. 2. One of several





programs being executed by a system.



1. Preset document formats, usually furnished along with





application software, such as electronic spreadsheets or database





programs. 2. Also applies to keyboard overlays showing





function keys for particular software packages.



Main memory locations reserved for intermediate results of





processing, control values, or other information which need to





be kept on hand as a program proceeds.



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Contents Xerox 4635 Laser Printing System Product Reference Page Related publications Publication NumberXerox 4635 Laser Printing System Product Reference Table of contents LPS software components LPS hardware componentsProduct differences/user considerations Xerox customer resources AppendicesGlossary IndexPage Introduction LPS Product ReferenceAbout the reference set Laser Printing System document set4635 LPS Forms Creation Guide 4635 LPS Installation Planning Document conventions BoldLPS overview 4635 LPS SoftwareInput enablement device OptionsTrack magnetic tape drive Track cartridge tape driveInch floppy disk drive Expanded disk memoryExpanded bitmap memory Bar code readerEthernet workstations Ethernet graphic scannersLPS specifications Equipment dimensionsClearance requirements Environmental requirementsCabinet fully configured Heat dissipation, printerHeat dissipation, system controller Electrical requirementsLPS connection LPS featuresPC UI Printer Forms FontsTypes of output Page Basic concepts LPS interfaces System controllerLPS system disk storage and memory Imaging subsystem PrinterXerographic subsystem LPS production process overview InputOutput subsystem Sources of input for the LPS4635 input options Special processing Types of dataOutput Job source library JSL filesFonts Character spacingBasic Concepts Page Major components System controller hardware components4635 system controller System controller panel Shows the 4635 LPS PC UI Printer hardware components Shows the components of the 4635 printer moduleShows the 4635 LPS with the optional bypass transport 4635 LPS with optional bypass transport LPS Hardware Components Components LPS operating systemOperating System Software functional description Major LPS processing tasksOperator communication Printer Software User Interface Software and User Dialog SoftwareXerox Printer Access Facility Optional host-resident software packagesXerox Pen Plotter Interface XPPI/DCF Host Forms Description LanguageXerox Print Services Manager Product differences/user considerations LPS compatibility and comparisonUsing your 4635 as a backup LPS Will this 4050/4090 V3.5 job print on my To the Xerox 4635 LPS Operator GuideRefer to the Xerox 4635 LPS Operator Refer to the Xerox 4635 LPS Operator Job features from 9790 Results when run on 4635 V3A Will this 9790 V2 print on my 4635 V3A?Job features from 8790 Results when run on 4635 V3A Will this 8790 V2 print on my 4635 V3A?Checking paper sizes and special stocks Product DIFFERENCES/USER Considerations Comparing LPS print job resolution Checking JDL compatibilityChecking PDL compatibility Command Parameter 11.PDL command parameters unique toLPS LPS comparison DJDEsLPS product comparison table Feature 4635 4050 4090 4650 4850 8790 9790 Printer Feature 4635 4050 4090 4650 4850 8790 9790 Fonts PaperLPS user considerations LPS edgemarkingEdgemarking a portrait Registration shift and skew Landscape orientation shift and skew 8.5 by 11 inchesPaper size System page sizeVirtual page size Error messagesDeletions Print Darkness Interpolation and scanned images Switching paper size and feed modesPitch modes Maximum paper width PPM rate Cleaning time between pitch mode changes LAN supportXerox support services Xerox Customer Support CenterCustomer Service Support Center Xerox ConnectionXerox Documentation and Software Services Xerox Font CenterXerox Supplies Order Service Overview Master audit directoryDescription Type Length Comments Key fields Master audit directory recordData Audit log data Log header recordMode status Description Type Length CommentsLog dates Report totalsDetail record Waste management detail record Operations log data record Table A-5.Operations log data recordError flags StringsDates Record type codesCompletion status codes Audit flagsPrimary codes Key audit report calculations Secondary codesAIS AsciiCME Djde Ebcdic FCBFDL FISHCF FSLHCS JDL JDEJSL LEF Micr Operator Command Object FileOctal OfflinePDL ROM RIPSEF Symbol Syntax errorSimplex printing Special ProcessingSystem Disk Systems SpecialistTab Tape DensityTesting TerminalText Text StringUCS Wildcard WildcardingWrite Write protectionAcronyms GLOSSARY-18 GLOSSARY-19 GLOSSARY-20 MPU MTUOCR OCSGLOSSARY-22 GLOSSARY-23 Index NumeralsOSS Sample Xerox