Xerox 721P83071 manual Product differences/user considerations, LPS compatibility and comparison

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5. Product differences/user considerations

Your Xerox 4635 Laser Printing System (LPS) has many unique standard and optional features which distinguish it from other Xerox LPS. Your 4635 LPS is capable of running most jobs created on other Xerox LPS, and can create jobs to print on other LPS. The ªLPS compatibility and comparisonº section of this chapter points out the unique qualities of your 4635 LPS, and helps you evaluate whether your 4635 LPS running software version 3A is a suitable backup printer for another Xerox LPS.

In order to ensure your jobs are created and produced with the highest quality, there are many things you need to consider. The ª4635 user considerationsº section of this chapter addresses such items.

This chapter contains the following major sections:

·LPS compatibility and comparison

·4635 user considerations.

LPS compatibility and comparison

The tables in the sections that follow identify what you need to consider when using your 4635 LPS for printing jobs created on other Xerox LPS with different software versions. They also point out those features which are unique to your 4635 LPS. The tables are not designed to address compatibility issues in an all- inclusive manner. Use them to make a high-level check when you want to know if your 4635 will process and print a particular job.

Each table addresses a different area of consideration from PDL commands to paper sizes and stocks. Often there is no need for any further checking because the tables provide the answer.

Other times they show you where further investigation is needed, or suggest specifically what you should check, either on your 4635 LPS or in the print job. You may need to refer to another manual in your 4635 LPS reference set for detailed guidance on running a particular type of job or altering a job to make it compatible with your 4635 LPS.

In order to evaluate whether your 4635 running software version 3A can be used as a suitable backup printer for a print job created on another Xerox LPS running a different software version, you must consider many factors. The following is a basic job compatibility checklist to help you begin the task of determining if a job will run on your 4635 LPS.

·Are font character sets required by the job loaded on the 4635 LPS?

·Are forms required by the job loaded on the 4635 LPS?



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Contents Xerox 4635 Laser Printing System Product Reference Page Related publications Publication NumberXerox 4635 Laser Printing System Product Reference Table of contents Product differences/user considerations LPS hardware componentsLPS software components Glossary Xerox customer resourcesAppendices IndexPage Introduction LPS Product ReferenceAbout the reference set Laser Printing System document set4635 LPS Forms Creation Guide 4635 LPS Installation Planning Document conventions BoldLPS overview 4635 LPS SoftwareTrack magnetic tape drive Input enablement deviceOptions Track cartridge tape driveExpanded bitmap memory Inch floppy disk driveExpanded disk memory Bar code readerEthernet workstations Ethernet graphic scannersClearance requirements LPS specificationsEquipment dimensions Environmental requirementsHeat dissipation, system controller Cabinet fully configuredHeat dissipation, printer Electrical requirementsPC UI LPS featuresLPS connection Printer Forms FontsTypes of output Page Basic concepts LPS system disk storage and memory System controllerLPS interfaces Xerographic subsystem PrinterImaging subsystem Output subsystem LPS production process overviewInput Sources of input for the LPS4635 input options Special processing Types of dataOutput Job source library JSL filesFonts Character spacingBasic Concepts Page Major components System controller hardware components4635 system controller System controller panel Shows the 4635 LPS PC UI Printer hardware components Shows the components of the 4635 printer moduleShows the 4635 LPS with the optional bypass transport 4635 LPS with optional bypass transport LPS Hardware Components Components LPS operating systemOperating System Software functional description Major LPS processing tasksOperator communication Printer Software User Interface Software and User Dialog SoftwareXerox Pen Plotter Interface XPPI/DCF Xerox Printer Access FacilityOptional host-resident software packages Host Forms Description LanguageXerox Print Services Manager Product differences/user considerations LPS compatibility and comparisonUsing your 4635 as a backup LPS Will this 4050/4090 V3.5 job print on my To the Xerox 4635 LPS Operator GuideRefer to the Xerox 4635 LPS Operator Refer to the Xerox 4635 LPS Operator Job features from 9790 Results when run on 4635 V3A Will this 9790 V2 print on my 4635 V3A?Job features from 8790 Results when run on 4635 V3A Will this 8790 V2 print on my 4635 V3A?Checking paper sizes and special stocks Product DIFFERENCES/USER Considerations Comparing LPS print job resolution Checking JDL compatibilityChecking PDL compatibility LPS 11.PDL command parameters unique toCommand Parameter LPS comparison DJDEsLPS product comparison table Feature 4635 4050 4090 4650 4850 8790 9790 Printer Feature 4635 4050 4090 4650 4850 8790 9790 Fonts PaperLPS user considerations LPS edgemarkingEdgemarking a portrait Registration shift and skew Landscape orientation shift and skew 8.5 by 11 inchesPaper size System page sizeDeletions Error messagesVirtual page size Print Darkness Pitch modes Maximum paper width PPM rate Switching paper size and feed modesInterpolation and scanned images Cleaning time between pitch mode changes LAN supportXerox support services Xerox Customer Support CenterCustomer Service Support Center Xerox ConnectionXerox Documentation and Software Services Xerox Font CenterXerox Supplies Order Service Overview Master audit directoryData Master audit directory recordDescription Type Length Comments Key fields Audit log data Log header recordLog dates Mode statusDescription Type Length Comments Report totalsDetail record Waste management detail record Operations log data record Table A-5.Operations log data recordDates Error flagsStrings Record type codesPrimary codes Audit flagsCompletion status codes Key audit report calculations Secondary codesAIS AsciiCME Djde FDL EbcdicFCB FISHCS FSLHCF JSL JDEJDL LEF Micr Octal Operator CommandObject File OfflinePDL SEF RIPROM Simplex printing SymbolSyntax error Special ProcessingTab System DiskSystems Specialist Tape DensityText TestingTerminal Text StringUCS Write WildcardWildcarding Write protectionAcronyms GLOSSARY-18 GLOSSARY-19 GLOSSARY-20 OCR MPUMTU OCSGLOSSARY-22 GLOSSARY-23 Index NumeralsOSS Sample Xerox