&& !&!
2. Setting button:
Press Get button to read back device ID.
Press Set button to write device ID.
3. Linkage button:
Press Linkage button to read back all status.
4. Open/Close button:
Press this button to close or open COM port.
5.Mapping button:
Select All Output:
Select “set all output”, then select the source on main menu . You can quickly set all output to the same source.
Unselect All Output: Release output selection.
Select Input Source. Then select the output port icon.
For example:
Select input source 1. Then select output port one and two. The video and audio will be send to port one and two.
6.Fast Select button:
Press Fast select button. Quick setting.
Input one Output Port one Input two Output Port two
Press Fast select pull down menu. Select Input
Input source #1 Output port #1 Input source #2 Output port #2 …..
Select Input* - All Output
Send the same source to all output.