Port Tab
This screen has 2 panels - Physical Port and Logical Port.
Physical Port
The following settings are available:
•Selected Physical Port - Select the Physical Printer Port you wish to configure.
•Handshake Signal - Select Busy Only or Busy & Ack for the Physical Port.
•Printer Type - Select High Speed or Low Speed for the Printer Type.
Logical Port
Logical Ports (printers) can be used in the Unix environment. The following settings are available:
•Selected Logical Port - Select the Logical Printer Port you wish to configure.
•Map to Physical Port - Select the physical Printer Port which the Logical printer will use. (By default, L1 is the parallel port, and L2 is the USB port)
•Convert LF to LF+CR - If checked, LF (line feed) characters are changed to CR+LF (carriage return + line feed).
•Prefix of Job - The printer control string (in hex) to be sent to the printer before each print job. This string cannot exceed 15 characters.
•Suffix of Job - The printer control string (in hex) to be sent to the printer after each print job. This string cannot exceed 15 characters.
Figure 29: Port Screen
The Get Defaults button will reset all settings to their
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