IBM L150P manual This section contains information on notices and trademarks

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Notices and Trademarks

This section contains information on notices and trademarks.


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Image 34
Contents L150/150p IBM ThinkVision L150/150p MonitorFirst Edition June/2003 Contents Page Setting up the monitor Handling InstructionsHeight Adjusting the Monitor PositionWorkplace Preparation OrientationWorking Practices RestBack Screen settingsCaring for your Monitor HandsConnecting your Monitor for Analog for L150 and L150p Connecting your Monitor for Digital DVISwitching on your Monitor Driver installation for Windows 95 or Windows Device Driver InstallationClick the Change Monitor Type button Driver Installation for Windows 2000 or Windows Me Monitor CDDriver Installation for Windows XP Auto Setup Auto SetupOperating System Corresponding Auto Setup procedure Auto Setup for DOS Operating system installation steps Operating SystemManual Setup Icon Control Image Setup Brightness OSD Enter Description Adjusting Your LCD MonitorUser control features Input SignalOperation OSD Lock / UnlockInitial appearance of OSD On-screen display OSD controlsOSD functions Activates automatic image adjustment ManualAdjusts menu location on the screen Further Information Display modesFactory Set Display Modes Addressability Refresh RatePower Management Product DisposalTroubleshooting Problem Possible Suggested Action Reference CauseSelect Image Setup ControlsFrançais English Japanese Italiano Español Further Help Specifications Français EnglishRançais Compl & Warr Japanese Service Information Model TypeThis section contains information on notices and trademarks Trademarks
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