Troubleshooting the Installation
6When the system boot is complete and all interface processors have been initialized, the console screen displays a script and system banner similar to the following:
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—If all the previous conditions are met and this banner is displayed, the system startup was successful and your installation is complete.
—If an error message is displayed on the terminal, refer to the appropriate software publication for error message definitions.
—If the console screen is blank, check the terminal and ensure that it is turned on and that the console cable is correctly connected between the terminal and the console port on the RSP7000.
—Check the terminal settings and ensure that the terminal is set for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bits.
—If the terminal is set correctly and still fails to operate, suspect that the terminal is faulty. Connect a different terminal and restart the system.
If the system still fails to start up or operate properly, or if you isolate the cause of the problem to a failed component, contact a service representative for further assistance. This completes the RSP7000 installation and replacement procedure. For complete command descriptions and examples, refer to the appropriate software documentation.
7000 Series Route Switch Processor (RSP7000) Installation and Configuration in the Cisco 7000 Series Routers 27