The SNMP Tool Screen
IP address; another contains the current operational status of TCU port number 6. To access a specific bit of information, the user specifies an object identifier (OID) which is a series of numbers separated by decimal points that indicates the path through a MIB trunk and subsequent branches to the specific leaf that contains the desired information, effectively identifying the MIB object.
On the SNMP Tool screen, a row of MIB commands is presented. These commands, which are described below, may be invoked in the same manner as screen commands. Some of them may also be invoked through function keys.
5.9.1Community Name
The Community Name field lets the user input a password to access MIBs that have been set up to refuse access to users without the proper password.
5.9.2OID Prepend
It is likely that many of the MIB leaves which the user will be accessing will reside within the same family of branches in the MIB (e.g.: they all begin with The user may use the OID Prepend field to specify a prefix (e.g.: which will be applied automatically (unless otherwise directed) to subsequent OIDs, allowing the user to leave out this OID portion when accessing MIB leaves on a common family of branches.
Use the GET command to view a single MIB leaf by specifying its OID. It displays the following information for each MIB object:
•Specified OID - lists the OID for each object displayed.
•Size - lists the number of memory bytes occupied by the object.
•Type - lists the object’s variable type (e.g., int = integer).
•Data - lists the object’s current value.
1.Invoke GET on screen or press the F6 function key.
2.After “<GET> OID (=F9)” appears, specify the desired OID by one of the following methods:
•Enter the OID minus the OID’s prepend: if the prepend is, and the user enters 4.1.3, OID is requested.