Translational Switch received frame with RIF but, for this protocol, the noSR flag is used during conversions. If you have the default configuration this can happen for IPX frames (clear and set flag useSR for Novell conversion parameters to see if this is the reason).
For the CRF in which the Translational Switch port exists, the ring number is set to Auto but it is impossible to learn the proper ring number.
802.3 Statistics
From a port popup menu select TS Port Statistics 802.3 Statistics to access this dialog box. The dialog box displays IEEE 802.3 traffic and error counters for the selected port. All counters are retrieved from a physical layer of the uplink and automatically updated every 5 seconds.
Traffic Counters
Bytes Received
Number of bytes received on this port.
Bytes Transmitted
Number of bytes transmitted by this port.
Frames Received
Number of frames received on this port.
Frames Transmitted
Number of frames transmitted by this port.
Multicast Bytes Received
Number of bytes in multicast frames received on this port.
Multicast Frames Received
Number of multicast frames received on this port without errors.
Frames Transmitted, Deferred
Number of frames transmitted by this port but initially deferred. (The 21143 FE transceiver had to defer while ready to transmit a frame because the carrier was asserted).
Statistics |