Cabletron Systems SSIM-H2-02 manual Discarded Frames

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SRF Frames

Number of Specifically Routed Frames.

STE Frames

Number of Spanning Tree Explorers.

ARE Frames

Number of All-Routes Explorers.

Unicast Frames

Number of frames with a unicast MAC address as destination.

Broadcast Frames

Number of frames with a Token-Ring broadcast address as destination.

Multicast Frames

Number of frames with a Token-Ring functional or group address as destination.


When you choose Reset, the counters for frames, bytes and discarded frames are reset. The time since last reset is shown on the screen.

Discarded Frames

When Discarded Frames is chosen on the general statistics display, the screen shows the number of frames discarded on the TS port in both inbound (from TS) and outbound (to TS) directions. The discard reasons are described below.

Discarded Inbound Frames

The following discard reasons are defined for inbound frames:

Invalid VLAN

A frame was received on an unknown VLAN. This is either a VLAN tagged frame containing an unknown VLAN ID, or an untagged frame when no untagged virtual ports are defined. Make sure that the 802.1Q VLAN ID and virtual port tagging mode is set to the same value on both sides of the connection.

Table Invalid VLAN Tag CFI

A VLAN tagged frame with an invalid Canonical Format Indicator (CFI) was received. The CFI is a bit in the Tag Control Information field of a VLAN tag. This bit indicates the bit order of any MAC addresses in the information field. It is 0 for Ethernet format and 1 for Token-Ring format. It should always be 1 in received frames.

SSIM-H2-02 Fast Ethernet - Translational Switch SmartStack Interface Module Installation and User Guide


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Contents Page Order Number 9032962-01 OC-7063 v .1 Vcci Notice FCC NoticeIndustry Canada Notice Iii Declaration of Conformity AddendumApplication of Council Directives 89/336/EEC 73/23/EEC Page Table of Contents Statistics List of Figures ViiList of Tables ViiiSSIM-H2-02 Switch SmartStack Interface Module IntroductionFeature Description Snmp is supported via the host processor This makes it possible to configure the devicePart of the LAN switch Processor on the SmartStack STS16-20RMMIB Support FEUplink MIBInstallation Package ContentsInstallation Procedure Hardware Installation Removing the Expansion Slot CoverSoftware Installation Tftp DownloadSerial Download From the main menu, select Download→ UploadCabling LEDsPower-On Self Test Configuration Default ConfigurationConfiguration Introduction Ports, Port Groups and VLANsVirtual Port Restriction TS Virtual Ports and Vlan TaggingRing Number Restriction Source Routed Transparent Bridging SRT Mode Source Routed Switching SRS Operation ModeBridging Modes Source Routed Bridging SRB Mode Ethernet CRF in SRB Bridging ModeNetwork Scenarios Redundant Connections to Fast Ethernet NetworkPreventing Frame Duplication Preventing Frame Looping Frame LoopingSpanning Tree Configuration Broken Ethernet CloudRedundant Connections to Fast Ethernet Network Page Technical Background STP Cost Modification General Guidelines Main Switch Menu Navigating Within the MenusConfiguration Overview BRF Configuration Vlan ConfigurationPort Configuration TS Ports Local Vlan Port ConfigurationDisplay only. Shows the current status of the port Virtual Port ConfigurationStatus Address Demand Aging LevelYou can use only one value as MTU DefaultDisplay only. Shows the current status of the virtual port 1558 001Address Aging Time Vlan Tagging ModeFC Modification RIF Not Learn IntervalIP Conversion Status Frame Conversion ConfigurationIP Conversion Parameters Change Sets the format of IP frames on Ethernet Default SRIP Ethernet Format Snap Frame in the Ieee 802.3 format with SnapExplorer Frames Type Enable IP FragmentationNovell Conversion Status TR MAC Address for IP MulticastsNovell Token Ring Format Novell Conversion Parameters ChangeNovell Frames Conversion Novell Ethernet FormatNetBios Frames Conversion NetBios Conversion StatusNetBios Conversion Parameters Change IPX Address TranslationNetBios Token Ring Format NetBios Ethernet FormatSNA Conversion Status SNA Conversion Parameters ChangeSNA Ethernet Format Sets the format of SNA frames on EthernetOther Frames w/SNAP Frames Conversion Other Frames w/SNAP Conversion StatusOther Frames w/SNAP Conversion Parameters Change Other Frames w/SNAP Token Ring FormatOther Frames w/o Snap Conversion Status Other Frames w/SNAP Ethernet FormatOther Frames w/o Snap Token Ring Format Other Frames w/o Snap Conversion Parameters ChangeOther Frames w/o Snap Frames Conversion Other Frames w/o Snap Ethernet FormatDual Home FEP Addresses Configuration Page Statistics Statistics Menu Port Status Port Statistics General StatisticsDiscarded Frames Locally Filtered Table Filtered by Address FilterTable Filtered by Dsap Filter Table Blocked Virtual PortTraffic Counters Error Counters Virtual Port State Virtual Port StatisticsDiscarded Frames Statistics Frames ForwardedOther w/SNAP NetBiosInbound Translation errors Other w/o SnapOutbound Translation Errors Outbound No TranslationFragmentation Error Generic w/o SnapGetting in Touch with Technical Support Your email addressPage Appendix A. Abbreviations Source Route Switching Service Access PointSub-Network Access Protocol Translational SwitchIndex Index-1Local Vlan port configuration Index-2710001816