Controls the SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) settings for the iPBridge. When enabled, the iPBridge tries to contact a specified SNTP server at reset and every 12 hours after to initialize/synchronize the time.
Default: Enabled
Set syntax: set SNTP [enableddisabled]
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get SNTP
Controls the IP address of the SNTP time server that the iPBridge contacts to initialize/synchronize the time.
If the iPBridge is unable to contact the specified SNTP server within 30 seconds, the iPBridge tries to contact the first auxiliary SNTP time server. If the first auxiliary SNTP time server is not available, the iPBridge tries to contact the second auxiliary SNTP time server. If the second auxiliary SNTP time server is not available, the iPBridge continues to approximate the time based on the most recent SNTP time server, physical real time clock or manual initialization/synchronization.
Auxiliary time servers
Set syntax: set SNTPServer [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] Requires a SaveConfiguration command Get syntax: get SNTPServer
When enabled, improves the performance of FCP WRITE commands to SCSI devices attached to the iPBridge. Specify SCSI bus (sb), target (st), LUN (sl) of a mapped SCSI device or (all) for each currently mapped device.
Set syntax: set SpeedWrite scsi [sb st sl all] [enabled disabled]
Get syntax: get SpeedWrite scsi [sb st sl all ]
When enabled, SpeedWrite performance enhancement is set as the default for any subsequent SCSI devices mapped manually or via an AutoMap operation. If disabled, the iPBridge does not attempt SpeedWrite performance enhancement to
Set syntax: set SpeedWriteDefault [enabled disabled]
Get syntax: get SpeedWriteDefault
Controls the time for the iPBridge if SNTP has been disabled or is not available.
Set syntax: set Time [HH]: [MM]: [SS]
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get Time
Controls the time zone for the iPBridge if SNTP has been disabled or is not available. Choices are EST, CST, MST, PST or numerical offset from GMT in the form of
Default: EST
Set syntax: set TimeZone [ [EST CST MST PST] [+ / - HH :MM ] ]
Requires a SaveConfiguration command Get syntax: get TimeZone
Specifies user name for all telnet, FTP and ExpressNAV web server sessions.The user name is case insensitive, 1- 32 characters, no spaces. Changes to the Admin Level user name require an Admin Level password.
Default: root
Set syntax: set Username [username]
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get Username
Allows transfer of a firmware image to or from the iPBridge using the ZMODEM file transfer protocol. Zmodem is available only through the RS232 interface. Before using Zmodem, ensure all I/O to the iPBridge has stopped.
After a firmware image is downloaded to the iPBridge, the image is placed into flash memory. During this time (about 60 seconds), DO NOT remove power to the iPBridge or the flash may become corrupted.
Immediate command: Zmodem [Send filename Receive]
42 CLI