Configuration Process Overview
ATM Configuration
CAUTION: Changes to the ATM parameters can cause problems with system operation. Only qualified ATM service personnel should attempt to modify these parameters. We recommend that you do not attempt to change these parameters.
Various ATM parameters are available to control ATM operating characteristics but, with the exception of the UNI Version parameter, ATM parameters typically do not require modification.
The default UNI Version of the ATM Backbone SwitchModule is 3.0.
If necessary, use the following command to change the UNI Version to match that of the ATM switch:
CB5000> set atm slot uni_version version
The valid UNI Version settings are:
See the following for more information on ATM configuration:
■ATM Backbone SwitchModule Command Reference for
■DMM Commands Guide for commands and examples
■ATM Forum specifications UNI 3.0/3.1 and LANE 1.0
Configuration After installing the ATM, the following default configuration parameters Defaults are in effect:
■The number of LECs on the module is set to 8.
■LE_ARP Quiet Time is set to 5 seconds.
■UNI version is set to 3_0.
■LEC 1 is set to the following parameter values:
■Configuration mode is Automatic.
■Interface mode is Enabled.
■ELAN Name is Admin.
■Vbridge assignment is vbridge_1.