icon.<name> = <x_location>,<y_location>,<initial_state>
The icon states are defined by lines of the form:
icon.<name>.<state #1> = <state #1 image_filename>
icon.<name>.<state #n> = <state #n image_filename>
If an icon does not have an image for a particular state, only the name of the icon need be given, and the image field can be left blank.
Image files can be in GIF, PNG, or JPEG format.
2.Enter the following measured values for the icons properties in
icon.up: 44, 112, off icon.up.off: icon.up.on: up.gif
icon.down: 44, 118, off icon.down.off: icon.down.on: down.gif
icon.left: 36, 114, off icon.left.off: icon.left.on: left.gif
icon.right: 52, 114, off icon.right.off: icon.right.on: right.gif
icon.internet: 64, 1, off icon.internet.off: icon.internet.on: internet.gif
icon.reception: 2, 1, on
icon.reception.on: reception.gif
icon.battery: 78, 2, on
icon.battery.on: batt.gif
icon.inmode: 28, 2, off
Chapter 2 Creating Device Property Files 15