abstract command types assigning to a button, 35
abstract commands assigning to buttons, 33 menu operations, 37 table of, 33
abstract commands, types of, 33
bitmap font definition, 20
button assignments, emulating, 34 button properties, setting, 10 byte code obfuscator, 55
character encodings, 42
code obfuscators, adding support for, 55 color properties, 40
setting, 16
setting background color, 16 colorCount property, 40 command menu, changing title of, 37
Default Emulator, customizing, 1 settings, 46
device buttons, 29
assigning abstract command types, 35 assigning abstract commands, 33 assigning command keys, 35 assigning game actions, 32 assigning keys, 31
assigning menu operations, 34 assignment policies, 34 changing soft button labels, 37 command precedence, 33 defining, 29
keyboard handler types, 29 order of preference, 35 specifying alternate buttons, 35 specifying generated characters, 32 specifying secondary buttons, 36
device image files, 22 table of, 53
device images scaling, 23
specifying image type, 23 device property directory, 18 device property files, 1
adding, 2 creating, 2, 5 structure of, 17 syntax, 17 table of, 45
table of example files, 18 display coordinates, 26
font definition, 20 font properties
ascent, 21 descent, 21 height, 21 leading, 21 underlined, 22
font property, 19 font types
bitmap, 19 default, 19 system, 19
font.default property, 20