font.softButton = bitmap_font.properties font.system.bold.medium = bold_font.properties
A font property file contains definitions for the following properties:
font_image = <image_filename> font_height = <pixel_height_font> font_ascent = <pixel_ascent_font> font_descent = <pixel_descent_font> font_leading = <pixel_space_between_lines_of_text>
The first property, font_image, refers to an image file, in PNG, GIF or JPEG format, that contains the font bitmap. The form of the bitmap should be a row of characters, as shown in FIGURE 4.
The other properties listed above define other characteristics of the font:
For a complete description of height, ascent, descent and leading as they relate to fonts, see
The bitmap font property file contains a list of properties of the form:
where <n> is a number between 0 and 256, and the given pixel location refers to the start of that character's definition in the font bitmap. The characters must be adjacent in the image, so that one character ends where another begins. The following image shows the interpretation of the horizontal pixel locations:
ASCII character
Distance to character
FIGURE 4 Specifying Emulator Fonts
Chapter 3 Examining Device Property Files 21