Connecting to the Wireless Toolkit’s WMA Emulation Environment
The J2ME Wireless Toolkit supports the Wireless Messaging API (WMA), which enables you to send and receive SMS or CBS messages. The Wireless Toolkit’s support for messaging includes automatically assigning phone numbers to emulators and routing messages between them. You can develop and test WMA applications entirely within the WTK environment. For information on the WMA, see http://java.sun.com/products/wma.
However, if you want to send or receive WMA messages to programs outside of the Wireless Toolkit environment, you can use the extension API that is provided by the Wireless Toolkit. By using the extension API, you can:
■Send or receive SMS or CBS messages from the emulation environment in the Wireless Toolkit to or from J2SE programs outside the Wireless Toolkit environment. This enables you to communicate through WMA messages between MIDlets within the Wireless Toolkit emulators and an external J2SE program. This external program can provide whatever functionality you program it to have, for example, imitating a service that responds to WMA messages.
■Create a component that acts as a messaging gateway. You can write your own J2SE program that registers itself with the Wireless Toolkit as a default gateway. The Wireless Toolkit will forward all messages from within the Wireless Toolkit environment that do not have a recognized destination phone number to the default gateway. This enables you to extend the Wireless Toolkit WMA environment to other message routing environments, for example, an actual Short Message Service Center (SMSC).
For information on the extension API, see the {j2mewtk.dir}\docs\wtk\wmaBridge directory.