Main Device Property File
This section describes the device property file that the Default Emulator uses to emulate a device.
The Main Device Property file is named <device_name>.properties and is located in the directory <device_name> where device_name is the name of the device being emulated. For example, the Main Device Property file for a device named DefaultGrayPhone would be at {j2mewtk.dir}\wtklib\devices\DefaultGrayPhone \DefaultGrayPhone.properties. The Main Device Property file contains the information needed to define the device's appearance and behavior, as well as pointers to associated property files.
The Main Device Property file contains definitions for the following items. Each is discussed in detail in the sections below.
■The Device Image
■Screen Properties
■Device Buttons
■Displayed Icons
■Soft Button Label Display
■Sound Alerts
■Device Software Capabilities
There are two types of fonts available for displaying text on the device screen:
■Bitmap fonts configured for the Emulator
■System fonts of the host PC
The device property file can specify the fonts used by the implementation of the MIDP graphics API.
Fonts Used by the MIDP APIs
A font is specified by the MIDP APIs by the property:
font.<face>.<style>.<size> = <font definition>
■face: “system”, “monospace”, or “proportional”
■style: “plain”, “bold”, or “italic”
■size: “small”, “medium”, or “large”
Chapter 3 Examining Device Property Files 19