screenPixelRatio.x = 1 screenPixelRatio.y = 1
#Touchscreen support
#Screen Background RGB Color
#examples: 0xffffff = white, 0x000000 = black
#Screen border RGB color is a color of softbuttons and icons
#area. If not defined, screen background color is used
#example: screenBorderColor = 0xf0f0f
#Transparency support
#SRC_OVER alpha composition rule
#supported by deafult
netindicator.image: ../Share/indicator.png
netindicator.bounds: 17, 82, 19, 19
button.0 = 98, 578, 47, 35 button.1 = 33, 459, 45, 35 button.2 = 98, 464, 47, 30 button.3 = 166, 459, 45, 35 button.4 = 36, 498, 45, 35 button.5 = 98, 503, 47, 30 button.6 = 162, 498, 45, 35 button.7 = 43, 537, 47, 35 button.8 = 98, 542, 47, 30 button.9 = 154, 537, 47, 35
button.POUND = 151, 578, 45, 29 button.ASTERISK = 48, 578, 45, 30
button.SEND = 24, 384, 39, 39 button.END = 181, 384, 39, 39 button.LEFT = 71, 352, 26, 63 button.RIGHT = 147, 352, 26, 63 button.UP = 97, 348, 50, 22