C H A P T E R 3
Examining Device Property Files
This chapter explains in detail the structure and content of device property files for an emulated device.
The following is the list of the main behavior items that can be specified in the device property files:
■device image
■locations of buttons, and association of PC keys with device buttons
■screen location and resolution
■displayed icons
■location, font and alignment of soft buttons
■color support
■MIDP abstract command implementation
By creating a new set of device property files, you can customize the behavior of the items that are described above to fit with the behavior of the real device. The folder wtklib\devices in the binary release of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit contains the device property files.
The syntax of device property files is that of the standard Java 2 Standard Edition property resources. For a description of the syntax, see the method detail for the load method for the Properties class at the following website:
For a description of the structure and content of device property files, see “Device Property Files” on page 18.
Note – If you would like to have a new device property file posted on the J2ME Wireless Toolkit web site, or distributed with the next version of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit, send email to