The Abstract Command Menu
When there are more abstract commands specified by an application than there are buttons to which they can be mapped, the unmapped abstract commands are placed in a command menu. The following operations are defined for the command menu:
■Display/hide menu
■Select menu item
■Scroll/Traverse up menu
■Scroll/Traverse down menu
These menu operations are assigned to buttons as described below.
One button is used to alternately display and hide the menu. It is defined by the property command.menu.activate using the format:
command.menu.activate = <button_name>
The buttons used to navigate the menu are defined using the following properties:
command.menu.select = <menu_select_key> command.menu.up = <menu_up_key> command.menu.down = <menu_down_key>
The default values for these properties are:
command.menu.select = SELECT command.menu.up = UP command.menu.down = DOWN
This example sets the menu to be activated by the SOFT2 key and to be navigated with the standard keys.
command.menu.activate = SOFT2
Customizing Menu Title and Soft Button
You can customize the title of the menu as well as the label of the soft button used to display and hide the menu. Use the following properties:
menu.text.title = <menu title> menu.title.activate = <soft button label>
The default values for these properties are:
menu.text.title = Menu menu.title.activate = Menu
Note – Real devices can have alternate human interfaces that employ means other than menus to handle commands that cannot be mapped to keys.
Chapter 3 Examining Device Property Files 37