C H A P T E R 1
Preparing for Installation
This chapter includes a description of the components of the Sun Fire V440 server, a list of documents on the Documentation CD, and a set of questions that the system administrator must answer before installing the server software.
This chapter contains the following sections:
■“About the Parts Shipped to You” on page 1
■“Verify All Parts” on page 2
■“Transfer Online Documentation” on page 3
■“Plan the Installation” on page 3
About the Parts Shipped to You
Standard components of Sun Fire V440 servers are installed at the factory. However, if you ordered options such as a PCI card and monitor, these will be shipped to you separately.
In addition, you should have received the Solaris™ Media Kit and documentation for all appropriate system software.
Check that you have received everything you ordered.
Note – Inspect the shipping carton for evidence of physical damage. If a shipping carton is damaged, request that the carrier’s agent be present when the carton is opened. Keep all contents and packing material for the agent’s inspection.