iii.Select Map Network Drive.
iv.Tpe in \\hostname\drivers
5.Install the drivers as shown in Section, “Install the Drivers onto the Target Sun Fire X2100 Server” on page the Drivers onto the Target Sun Fire X2100 Server
Install the drivers onto the target Sun Fire X2100 server using the instructions for the appropriate operating system.
■Install the Drivers onto a Target Solaris System
■Install the Drivers onto a Target Linux System
■Install the Drivers on a Target Windows System
Install the Drivers onto a Target Solaris System
1.Log in as superuser.
2.Type the following command to install the drivers:
The script installs the networking and sound drivers.
The script prompts you to reboot the system for changes to take effect.
3.Reboot the server.
4.When Xserver choices are displayed, select the default Xorg.
5.When prompted for networking information on your system, enter the networking information for your server.
Install the Drivers onto a Target Linux System
1.Login as superuser.
2.Type the following at the command line:
#init 3
Chapter 2 Software Installation