Sun Microsystems
8Sun Fire X2100 Server Getting Started Guide April
Interconnecting Servers
Configuration Instructions
System Setup
At the command prompt type
5Setting the Rail Width
How to
Powering On the Server
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Sun Fire X2100 Server Getting Started Guide • April 2006
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Image 64
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Sun Fire X2100 Server Getting Started Guide
Please Recycle
Software Installation
Setting Up the Preinstalled Software
Vi Sun Fire X2100 Server Getting Started Guide May
How This Book Is Organized
Shell Prompts
Typographic Conventions
Related Documentation
Third-Party Web Sites
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
System Setup
Safety and Compliance Information
Planning the Installation Process
Package Contents Inventory
Installing the Server Into a Rack With Optional Slide-Rails
Disassembling the Slide-Rails Before Installation
Unpack the slide-rails
Installing the Mounting Brackets Onto the Server
3Aligning the Mounting Bracket With the Server Chassis
Repeat and for the remaining slide-rail assembly
Attaching the Slide-Rail Assemblies to the Rack
5Setting the Rail Width
Installing the Server Into the Slide-Rail Assemblies
6Extending the Anti-tip Foot
You will hear an audible click
Installing the Cable Management Assembly
12Sun Fire X2100 Server Getting Started Guide April
Right slide-rail CMA mounting bracket
Right slide- rail assembly CMA slide-rail connector
System Setup
Install cables to your server, as required
Attaching and Routing Cables
Position the cable hangers snap them into place. See
Route the cables through the CMA cable hangers
Cabling the Server
Verifying Operation of the Slide-Rails and CMA
Back Panel
Interconnecting Servers
15Interconnecting Servers
Powering On the Server
Front Panel
Powering Off the Server
Using Serial Console Redirection
Eeprom console=text /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e
24Sun Fire X2100 Server Getting Started Guide April
Software Installation
Preparing for Installation
1Installation Flow Diagram
Setting up the Bios for Operating System Installation
Erasing the Primary Boot Hard Disk
Setting up the Bios for Windows 2003 or Solaris 10 OS
Installing the Operating System
Setting up the Bios for a Linux Operating System
Running the up2date Utility
Installing Drivers and Mounting the Diagnostic Partition
Installing the Drivers Over a Network
Create a Shared Drivers Directory
Change to the /etc/dfs directory
Open the dfstab file in a text editor
Add the following line to the dfstab file
At the command prompt type
/export/home/drivers directory is now on the network as
Log in as root superuser on the hostname system
Add the following line to the end of the dfstab file
Type the following command at the prompt
Create a Shared Drivers Directory on a Windows System
Copy the Drivers from the Supplemental CD
Login as superuser Type the following at the command line
Install the Drivers onto the Target Sun Fire X2100 Server
Iii. Select Map Network Drive
Install the Drivers on a Target Windows System
Type the appropriate command to install the drivers
Installing Linux Operating System Drivers From a CD
Log in to the Sun Fire X2100 Server as superuser
Run the installation script by typing the following command
Type the following command at the system prompt
Installing Solaris 10 OS Operating System Drivers from a CD
Log in as superuser
Run the install script by typing the following command
Installing RAID Drivers Using the 2003Reburn Script
Installing RAID Drivers Using a Boot Diskette
Where OS is 200332 or
Installing Windows 2003 Drivers
Specify the driver location as C\NVIDIA\Ethernet
22Sun Fire X2100 Server Getting Started Guide April
Solaris 10 Operating System Configuration Overview
Solaris 10 Operating System
1Installation Process Flow Diagram
Configuration Instructions
Reboot the system
1Information for Preinstalled Solaris 10 Configuration
Java Enterprise System
Sun Studio Software
8Sun Fire X2100 Server Getting Started Guide April
P E N D I X a
\ risetup.exe
Adding the Nvida Ethernet Drivers to the Windows Image
Adding Other Drivers and Modifying Setting Files
Remove the following entry from the ristndrd.sif file
Add the following entries to the ristndrd.sif file
Unattended DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
To unzip the package, type the following command
\ net Stop binlsvc c\ net Start binlsvc
Installing Windows 2003 Server 64-bit onto the RIS Server
10Sun Ultra 20 Workstation Getting Started Guide April
Drivers audio nic sataide smbus OemDir
\ copy cdromdrive\drivers\windows\xp64\chipset\*.zip c\temp
Installing a RIS Image onto a Client Server
Either power on or reboot the server
14Sun Ultra 20 Workstation Getting Started Guide April
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