The Netra 440 Server System Administration Guide is written for experienced system administrators. It includes general descriptive information about the NetraTM 440 server and detailed instructions for configuring and administering the server. To use the information in this manual, you must have working knowledge of computer network concepts and terms, and advanced familiarity with the Solaris™ Operating System (Solaris OS).
How This Book Is Organized
The Netra 440 Server System Administration Guide is divided into the following chapters:
■Chapter 1 describes the system console and how to access it.
■Chapter 2 describes the tools used to configure system firmware, including SunTM Advanced Lights Out Manager (ALOM) system controller environmental monitoring, automatic system recovery (ASR), hardware watchdog mechanism, and multipathing software. In addition, it describes how to unconfigure and reconfigure a device manually.
■Chapter 3 describes how to manage internal disk volumes and devices.
This manual also includes the following reference appendixes:
■Appendix A provides a list of all OpenBoot configuration variables, and a short description of each.
■Appendix B provides a sample program that illustrates how to get/set the status of the alarms.