Verifying Serial Port Settings on TTYB
This procedure lets you verify the baud rate and other serial port settings used by the Netra 440 server to communicate with a device attached to its ttyb port.
Note – The serial management port always operates at 9600 baud, 8 bits, with no parity and 1 stop bit.
You must be logged in to the Netra 440 server, and the server must be running Solaris OS software.
▼To Verify the Serial Port Settings on TTYB
1.Open a shell tool window.
#eeprom grep
3.Look for the following output:
This line indicates that the Netra 440 server’s serial port ttyb is configured for:
■9600 baud
■8 bits
■No parity
■1 stop bit
■No handshake protocol
For more information about serial port settings, see the eeprom man page. For more information about the