TABLE 6-3 System Information Needed for Support (Continued)
System Configuration Information Needed | Your Information |
System serial number |
Peripherals attached to the system |
Email address and phone number for you and a |
secondary contact |
Street address where the system is located |
Superuser password |
Summary of the problem and the work being done |
when the problem occurred |
Other Useful Information |
IP address |
Server name (system host name) |
Network or internet domain name |
Proxy server configuration |
TABLE 6-4 Sun Technical Support Contacts
Server Documents and Support Resources | URL or Telephone Number |
PDF files for all current Sun Fire | http://www.sun.com/documentation/ |
X4150 server documents. |
Solaris™ 10 OS and other software | http://docs.sun.com/documentation/ |
documents. This web site has full |
search capabilities. |
Discussion and troubleshooting | http://supportforum.sun.com/ |
forums. |
Support, diagnostic tools, and alerts | http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/ |
for all Sun products. |
SunSolveSM web site. Contains links to http://www.sunsolve.sun.com/handbook_pub/ software patches. Lists some system
specifications, troubleshooting and maintenance information, and other tools.
SunServiceSM support phone numbers.
Chapter 6 If You Need Help 69