Command Line Interface for 4000E and 12000E BACs, Micro DSLAMs, and Network Extenders User's Guide (Document Number
LED Indicators
For purposes of the following descriptions, a pulsing LED blinks steadily at a rate of once per second. A flashing LED blinks at a more rapid, less constant rate.
Table 9. LEDs (1 of 3)
| State | Indication | Additional Information |
PWR | Solid green | Both power terminals are | |
(power) |
| power | connected. |
| Solid | One of the two power | |
| amber | power | terminals is connected. |
| No | No power | If the |
| illumination |
| receiving power, none of the |
| LEDs will be illuminated. |
FAN | Solid green | All four fans are fully |
| functional |
| Solid | Fan failure | At least one of the four |
| amber |
| chassis fans is not |
| functioning properly. |
| No | Total fan failure | None of the four chassis |
| illumination |
| fans is functioning properly. |