Paradyne 6382 manual Tools, System Commands, Remote Log

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3. Using the Web Interface


The Tools tab provides access to system commands and functions.

System Commands

To make changes permanent, click on Tools (at the top of the page) and select

System Commands. The following commands are used to configure the router:

„Save All: Click on this button in order to permanently save the current configuration of the router. If you do restart the system without saving your configuration, the CPE will revert back to the previously saved configuration.

„Restart: Use this button to restart the system. If you have not saved your configurations, the router will revert to the previously saved configuration upon restarting. Connectivity to the unit will be lost. You can reconnect after the unit reboots.

„Restore Defaults: Use this button to restore the default settings selected by your service provider. Connectivity to the unit will be lost. You can reconnect after the unit reboots.

Figure 3-31. System Commands

Remote Log

The remote log feature forwards all logged information to a remote PC. The type of information forwarded to the remote PC depends upon the log level. Each log message is assigned a severity level, which indicates how seriously the triggering event affects router functions. When you configure logging, you must specify a severity level for each facility. Messages that belong to the facility and are rated at that level or higher are logged to the destination.

For PPPoE and PPPoA connections, you can select Debug if you want to log the connection information. This is helpful when trying to debug connection problems.


April 2005


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Contents 6382 4-Port Router Copyright 2005 Paradyne Corporation All rights reserved Important Safety Instructions 6382-A2-GB20-00 Canada EMI Notice Japan Notices Contents Contents Troubleshooting TerminologyIndex Contents April About This Guide Document Purpose and Intended AudienceDocument Summary Product-Related DocumentsAbout This Guide April Features of the 6382 4-Port Router IntroductionDefinitions System Requirements Ports and Buttons Back PanelLED Description Front Panel Packing ListIntroduction April Hardware Installation PC Setup Connecting the HardwareOverview Hardware Installation Configuring Your PC’s IP Address Assigning an IP Address to your PC Automatically by DhcpWindows XP Network Connections in Windows XP Windows TCP/IP Properties in Windows XPWindows ME Windows 95 Windows NT Using the Web Interface Logging Into Your RouterHome Quick StartQuick Start Dhcp Quick Start Static Setup Wide Area Network ConnectionLocal Area Network Connection Saving ChangesConfiguring the WAN PPPoE Connection Setup New ConnectionPPPoE Connection Setup PPPoA Connection Setup PPPoA Connection Setup Static Connection Setup Dhcp Connection Setup Static IP Connection Setup10. Dhcp Connection Setup 11. Bridged Connection Setup Bridged ConnectionClip Connection 12. Clip Connection Setup Modify an Existing ConnectionModem Setup 13. Modem SetupConfiguring the LAN Enable/Disable DhcpChanging the Routers IP address Ethernet Switch 15. Ethernet SwitchFirewall/NAT Services 16. Firewall/NAT ServicesAdvanced UPnPSntp Snmp IP QoS Port Forwarding21. Port Forwarding Netmeeting IP Filters 22. IP FiltersLAN Clients VlanBridge Filters 24. Vlan25. Bridge Filters Multicast 26. MulticastIgmp Snooping Static RoutingDynamic Routing 28. Static Routing29. Dynamic Routing Access Control Log OutSystem Commands ToolsRemote Log Severity Levels Description User Management 32. Remote LogUpdate Gateway 33. User Management34. Update Gateway AnalyzerPing Test 36. Ping TestModem Test 37. Modem TestStatus 38. Network Statistics39. Modem Status Troubleshooting Router Is Not FunctionalYou Cannot Connect to the Router LEDs Blink in a Sequential PatternStatus LED Continues to Blink Status LED is Always OffWhat is a Firewall? What is NAT?What is a DMZ? TerminologyWhat is a Router? Index DhcpIN-2 IN-3 IN-4