Peavey 80304543, CS 500S, CS 500A S2 Output Module Rear View Standard Stereo Mode 9 Option 1

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The S2 output module offers dual Speakon® Quick











Connectors and a unique patching capability to wire









these connectors to meet the particular application.





The Speakon® is a four-wire connector with the con-





nections labeled as 1+, 1-, 2+ and 2-. Depending





upon the loudspeaker needs, these connections can





be used in various ways. NOTE: Consult your loud-





speaker specifications to determine the wiring config-









uration (mode) that will best suit your system.








This Speakon® wiring arrangement shown below is




as follows: 1+ as the channel signal output and 1-
















as the channel chassis ground. This is the de facto






standard for most low-to-medium power loudspeak-






er systems. This wiring allows one enclosure to be






connected to Channel A and one enclosure to be






connected to Channel B. The 2+ and 2- connections






are not used in this application. Please notice that






the binding posts on the S2 module also use the 1+






and 1- wiring arrangement. The Channel A red and






black binding posts are always connected to the






Channel A Speakon® 1+ and 1- respectively.






Similarly, the Channel B red and black binding posts






are always connected to the Channel B Speakon®






1+ and 1- respectively. WARNING: The S2 module











is shipped with four jumpers plugged in a “storage” configuration across the normally unused 2+ and 2- Speakon® pins. These jumpers are used in other modes of operation following. This “storage” configuration could cause a shorting problem if a particular loudspeaker system’s Speakon® connectors are wired in the high current configuration outlined next (1+ and 2+ are connected and 1- and 2- are connected). In this case, we recommend that you remove the jumpers.


Many high power loudspeaker systems use the full capability18 of the Speakon® connector by paralleling 1+ and 2+, and

paralleling 1- and 2-. This wiring improves the current handling capability of the system and reduces losses. Many subs with Speakons are wired this way. The S2 module can be rewired to this configuration using the supplied jumpers on the rear of the module. Normally, four jumpers are plugged into a “storage” configuration to prevent losing them. In this case, one jumper is connected between 1+ and 2+ and another jumper is connected between 1- and 2- for each channel. This is a total of four jumpers. The following diagram shows the new wiring of the jumpers. Notice that for this mode the binding post can still be used as normal outputs for both channels.


Image 7
Contents CS 500A Page English Input Sensitivity Power LEDPower Switch DDT Active LEDB1 Input Module IEC Mains Power ConnectorDDT Switch Mode SwitchP1 Output Module Rear View P1 Output ModuleS2 Output Module S2 Output Module Rear View Standard Stereo Mode 9 Option 1Industrial and Commercial Installations Bridge Mode Option 3Biamp Mode Option 4 Installation and ConnectionBridge Mode Studio InstallationDDT CS¨ 500A Specifications ESPA„OL Orificio DE Escape DE Aire LED Indicador DE EncendidoSensibilidad DE Entrada Interruptor DE EncendidoMódulo DE Entrada B1 Conector DE Alimentación DE Línea Aprobado POR LA IECConmutador DDT Conmutador DE ModoVista Posterior DEL Módulo DE Salida P1 Módulo DE Salida P1Módulo DE Salida S2 Modo DE Puente Instalación Y ConexiónInstalaciones Industriales Y Comerciales Instalación EN EstudiosPage Especificaciones DEL Amplificador DE Potencia CS¨ 500A FRAN‚AIS Réglage DE Sensibilité D’ENTRÉE Selecteur DE ModeLED D’ACTIVATION DDT LED D’ALIMENTATIONVUE Arrière DU Module P1 P1 Output Module 15 non disponible en EuropeVUE Arriere DU Module DE Sortie S2 Mode Biamp Option 4 VUE Arriere DU Module DE Sortie S2 Mode Bridge Option 3Module DE Sortie S2 Mode Bridge Installations Commerciales ET ProfessionnellesCS¨ 500A Specifications Deutsch Netzschalter Vertieft angeordneter Schalter B1-EingangsmodulXLR-Eingangsbuchsen Mm-KLINKENEINGANGSBUCHSERückansicht des P1-Ausgangsmoduls DAS S2 Output Modul Rückansicht Bridge Mode Option 3DAS Output Modul Studioinstallation DAS S2 Output Modul Rückansicht Biamp Mode Option 4Installation UND Anschlüsse Industrielle Nutzung UND Komerzielle InstallationDDT CS¨ 500A Specifications Page Page Important Safety Instructions Peavey Electronics Corporation Limited Warranty SPEAKON¨ is a Registered Trademark of NEUTRIK¨ AG