Ethernet/Cresnet Interface | Crestron |
The IP ID is a
IP Mask
An IP mask is a pattern of bits in IP address format (e.g. which, when "and"ed with your IP address, produces a network address. If an outgoing packet's network address has the same network address as the source of the packet, it is sent on the local network wire, to be received by a device on that local network. Otherwise, it is sent to the gateway, to be routed to a device existing on another network. The IP mask for any device should be assigned by whoever manages the local network. An IP mask is also referred to as a Subnet Mask.
IP MTU is the maximum packet size that the device can transmit. It is not necessary to change this value from 1500 for an all Ethernet network.
IP Table
An IP table lists IP IDs and their corresponding IP addresses. This table is maintained inside each CNX control system, though it may be generated by a SIMPL Windows program, or edited manually using the Viewport utility.
MAC Address
MAC address is a unique hardware address assigned to every network device in use.
The MAC address is assigned by Crestron at the factory and is never changed.
Master list is a list of Crestron Internet Protocol (CIP) enabled devices that will be informed of any changes in the state of the controlled device. The device accepts commands from the addresses of these masters.
Network Address
A network address is a pattern of bits in IP address format that is shared by all network devices on a given local network. For example, network address describes the local network where all devices have an IP address of 192.168.2.x, where x is any value from 1 to 254.
NMS trap catcher is the address of a SNMP monitoring station that sends any alarm messages that the monitored device wishes to send.
Router is a communications device that routes data between networks.
Subnet Mask
See IP mask above.
24 ∙ Glossary of Terms | Operations Guide - DOC. 5721 |