Compaq DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT manual RA450 Cluster Kit

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FR-CK356-UR - BA356 Rackmount DIGITAL Server Cluster Kit

Original Part Number








Ultra SCSI differential channel shelf, 2 dual speed blowers



Includes: Rack mounting kit for BA350/BA356 shelves in



RETMA, two 19in mounting angles (4U)*






Adaptec 2944UW Differential Ultra Wide SCSI controller






Cluster Enabling Kit



(Windows NT Alpha Cluster Documentation)



Includes: 2 Y-cables, 1 differential SCSI cable, cluster



installation and configuration documentation, 2 terminators,



updated RAID management software and licenses






17-04377-08, 5M SCSI, FAST20 shielded cable assembly,









Ultra SCSI 17-04554-01 cable assembly .2M .8MM FE to









PCI to Fast Ethernet 10/100 UTP adapter with DECCHIP









Crossover UTP cable (for private network)






ServerWORKS Manager 3.x






DIGITAL Server Cluster Installation Guide






Adaptec Alpha drivers and utility




*Only needed for the older Rittal rack, which does not come with angle brackets.

Note: To mount a BA356 in a Rittal rack, you need the following parts:

Metal Kit - 7033381-02

Cage Nuts - 9011476-01 (Qty 10)

M6 Screws - 9040331-01 (Qty 10)

RA450 Cluster Kit

Pedestal version: FR-CK450-RP

Rackmount version: FR-CK450-RR

The RA450 Cluster Kit supports up to 24 SBBs, which can consist of disk drives and cache batteries in hot-swap carriers. The pedestal enclosure supports up to 218GB; rackmount supports up to 873GB using 9GB disks. The RA450 supports SCSI disks of 1, 2, 4, 9, and 18GB (with HSOF 5.1) disks. The RA450 also supports dual redundant RAID controllers, eliminating the RAID controller as a single point of failure. The RA450 includes the StorageWorks HSZ50 controller, a 6-channel fast-narrow controller. Each channel is capable of supporting up to 7 drives, although no optional cabinets currently exist beyond 24 disks. No second expansion cabinet is available for the RA450. The RA450 supports RAID levels 0, 1, 0+1, and adaptive 3/5, as well as JBOD configurations.

DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide

Image 28
Contents Compaq Clustering Solutions for Windows NT Prepared byContents Page Compaq Clustering Solutions Why CompaqClustering HardwareSolution Sizer Cluster KitsInterconnects ToolsEnterprise Cluster Software ServerMakerServerWorks Manager ClusterWORKSWorldwide Service and Support HighlightsMicrosoft Cluster Server Point of Failure OtherDigital Clusters for Windows NT FeaturesHighlights ∙ Remote Cluster Administrator Dcnt v1.1 SP2Upgrading from Dcnt v1.0 to v1.1 SP2 ∙ Scalable designDcnt V1.1 SP1 ∙ Dcnt IP Address Failover Support for File Shares∙ Dcnt Elimination of Client Software Requirement ∙ Dcnt SQL Server Support EnhancementsUpgrading from Dcnt to Mscs Typical Dcnt EnvironmentSupported Dcnt Hardware AlphaServer 71xx Feature Differences between Dcnt and MscsWhy Buy Clusters from Compaq? IPX/SPXNetbeui TCP/IPServerWORKS Manager OverviewUsing ServerWORKS Manager with Clusters Discovering ClustersViewing Information about Cluster Resource Groups Cluster Member Information from the System Browser WindowSetting an Alarm on a Cluster Resource or Group Alarm Configuration WindowAdd New Component Status Alarm Category Tab Digital Server Cluster Kit Overview Digital Server Cluster KitsMonitoring for Transitions ∙ External Storage Cabinets Digital Server Cluster Kit ComponentsBA356 Ultra Cluster Kits FR-PCTAZ-FB SWDKT-DD8MM 68HD M ConnRA450 Cluster Kit Pedestal version FR-CK450-RP Rackmount version FR-CK450-RRQB-5JCAE-SA SWXRA-W0Dcnt Page BA35X-RJ SWXRA-W4FR-PCSRA-EA RA7000 Cluster Kit DS-HS35X-BC DS-HSZ70-AHRA3000 Cluster Kit available today Page QB-5TWAE-SA QB-5TWAD-SA∙ Private Network Connection between Cluster Nodes ∙ SoftwareComponents not included in the Digital Server Cluster Kits RAID Management software and firmware∙ Base Clustering Software ∙ ServersPart Number Capacity ∙ Disk Drives∙ LAN Network Connection ∙ Storage Options Expansion CabinetsStorage Original Part Number Description RA450 Options RAID OptionsPart Number Description RA7000 Options Ready-to-Go Clusters Cluster ContactsRA3000 Options Jeffrey James for RA3000 Angela Pitter for BA356Ready-to-Go Cluster Components Components not included in the Ready-to-Go Clusters∙ Tape drives ∙ Servers disk drivesOrdering Ready-to-Go Clusters Ready-to-Go Clusters Contacts∙ Business Critical Services ∙ Priority Service Plan∙ Bronze Support for Windows NT ∙ Silver Support for Windows NT ∙ Bronze Software Support for Microsoft Windows NT∙ Gold Support for Windows NT ∙ System Health Check for Windows NT ∙ System Management Services for Windows NT Mscs Certified Configurations∙ Software Support for Windows NT Mscs Certifications QTYOrdering Digital Hardware/Software for a NT Cluster Order two Digital ServersPage Digital Servers Page CPU version Min. Bios rev Min. SCU Rev Server Intel-based ServersPlatform CPU version Alpha Bios AlphaServers Universal PlatformsSupported with Dcnt QTY Intel-based Digital Servers QTY Alpha-based Digital ServersPower idle watts Model numberCapacity GB InterfaceFR-CK356-UP 6 max FR-CK356-UR 6 maxFeature BA356 RA450 RA7000 RA3000 Cache batteryFan Power supply Hard disk sizeSWXRA-HC RA7000 OptionsRA3000 Options Cluster Quick Start Unpack the Hardware and SoftwareDeploying a Mscs environment Windows NT Server, Enterprise EditionInstall Shared Bus Host Adapters Install Network CardsInstall Private Network Cable Install Hard DisksInstall RAID Drivers on Host a Install Console Software on Host aInstall RAID Drivers on Host B Install Microsoft Cluster ServerPointers for More Information Install Digital Clusters for Windows NTSpecial Thanks