Compaq Clustering Solutions
Compaq Clustering Solutions for Windows NT maximize access to enterprise data by providing a means by which users can continue working even in the event of a server failure. These
The cost of downtime has been reported to be anywhere from $1,400/minute to $130,000/minute, depending on your particular business. The need to keep your systems up and running in this high technology era is critical to save not only thousands and sometimes millions of dollars, but to maintain user productivity and customer satisfaction as well.
With the introduction of Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition, Microsoft has brought clustering capabilities to the mainstream. Clustering provides high availability for
DCNT is a proven, mature product. It supports IP address failover, enabling automatic failover for applications, such as Microsoft Internet Information Server, Netscape Enterprise Server, Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino, Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, Oracle 7 Workgroup Server, and Oracle 7 Enterprise Server 7.3. A Migration Wizard utility provides easy migration from DCNT to MSCS.
Compaq’s clustering technology provides industry leadership for application availability, scalability for data storage and user support, cluster system management, high speed storage interconnects, high performance TP, and Disaster Tolerant capabilities for Windows NT systems.
Why Compaq
DIGITAL, a pioneer in cluster technology, has been shipping cluster solutions since 1983, including DCNT for a full 18 months before MSCS. With over 75,000 installed clusters and 500,000 clustered nodes deployed across Windows NT, DIGITAL UNIX, and OpenVMS, including over 7,000 DCNT licenses, DIGITAL, now Compaq, is unquestionably the market leader. In fact, Compaq has more experience with clustering and more engineers trained to support Windows NT than any other vendor, including Microsoft.
Customers have the option of purchasing DIGITAL Servers for Windows NT (Intel or
DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide