Measured ALC value | The value shown here is taken into account |
| in the calculation of the DICOM DF if |
| Continuous DICOM ALC is switched off and |
| DICOM Offset is set to “Measured ALC”. |
| When you select this line and confirm the |
| selection, the actual averaged ambient |
| light value is stored here, overwriting the |
| former value. |
| However, if the averaged ambient light |
| value is higher than the maximum ambient |
| light value that corresponds to the selected |
| reading room, a warning is displayed |
| prompting you to dim the light in the |
| room, and the value will be limited to the |
| maximum ambient light value. |
| If you dim the light in the room you can |
| execute the Measure ALC Value function |
| again to enter the new, lower value. |
Preset ambient value | Shows the ambient light correction value |
/ Measured ALC | taken into account to calculate the DICOM |
ambient value / | DF, expressed in lux. |
Average ambient |
value |
Bright luminance | Shows the bright luminance value taken |
| into account to calculate the DICOM DF. |
Dark luminance | Shows the dark luminance value taken into |
| account to calculate the DICOM DF. |
Ambient correction | Shows the ambient light correction value |
| taken into account to calculate the DICOM |
| DF, expressed in cd/m². |