Film Type
When choosing this item, the following dialog box will appear:
When you want to scan a negative film, choose your type of film here in advance. The scanning result will be optimised for the film type you select. If you do not know your film type or your film type is not listed, choose Generic from the list.
When the selection is done, click OK to confirm or Cancel to abort.
Auto Preview
To perform the preview operation automatically each time you invoke the Diamond View scanner driver, check the Auto Preview checkbox.
Help Sub-menu
Click on the Help submenu, if you are either not clear about certain Diamond View functions, or if you want information about your scanner.
Click this item to bring up the
Scanner Info…
Select this item and a dialog box showing the scanner and driver information will appear. This information, especially the driver version, is useful when you call for technical support or if you plan to update your Diamond View scanner driver.
About Diamond View…
Choose this item to display the Diamond View copyright information. Click on the image to close it.