Terms you should know
DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message) - A message sent by the router to a wireless network device to indicate when the next broadcast or multicast message will be sent. This parameter is necessary to accommodate devices using power save mode.
dynamic IP address - An IP address that is temporarily assigned by a DHCP server. Many ISPs use dynamic IP addresses. When a computer connects the Internet, an ISP provides an IP address. When the computer disconnects from the Internet, the ISP reassigns the dynamic IP address to another computer requesting Internet access.
dynamic routing - In dynamic routing, a router is configured to automatically generate routing information and share the information with neighboring routers.
encryption - The translation of data into a secret code. Encryption is the most effective way to achieve data security. To read an encrypted file, you must have the encryption key (code) associated with the encrypted data. Encryption is especially useful when you are using a wireless network because it prevents outsiders from accessing data. Each computer on a wireless network must use the same encryption code.
Ethernet - Ethernet is a common technology used to create computer networks. Wired Ethernet uses cables to link computers, hubs, switches, routers. Wireless Ethernet uses radio waves to create links.
firmware - Firmware is programming that is inserted into programmable
fragmentation - The process of breaking data into small segments for transmitting. When the segments are received, the data is defragmented and returned to its original format.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - A simple method of transferring files from one computer to another.
Gateway - A system that joins two networks together.
hardware - Physical equipment as opposed to software. A router is a hardware device.
HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol) - A system that lets Web browsers and Web servers communicate.
hub - A hardware device that joins multiple computers to create a network.
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