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1.9 Important MSP430 Documents on the CD-ROM and WEB
The primary sources of MSP430 information are the device specific data sheet and User’s Guide. The most up to date versions of these documents available at the time of production have been provided on the CD-ROM included with this tool. The MSP430 web site (www.ti.com/sc/msp430) will contain the latest version of these documents.
From the MSP430 main page on the CD-ROM, navigate to: Literature->MSP430 Literature->Data Sheets, to access the MSP430 device data sheets.
From the MSP430 main page on the CD-ROM, navigate to: Literature->MSP430 Literature->User’s Guides, to access the MSP430 device User’s Guides and tools.
Documents describing the IAR tools (Workbench/C-SPY, the assembler, the C compiler, the linker, and the librarian) are located in common\doc and 430\doc. The documents are in PDF-format. Supplements to the documents (i.e., the latest information) are available in HTML-format within the same directories. 430\doc\readme_start.htm provides a convenient starting point for navigating the IAR documentation.