Development Flow
system stack within C programs. CSTACK can also be used in assembler programs [MOV #SFE(CSTACK), SP]. CSTACK is defined to extend from the last location of RAM for 50 bytes (i.e., the stack extends downwards through RAM for 50 bytes).
Other statements in the .xcl file define other relocatable regions that are allocated from the first location of RAM to the bottom of the stack. It is critical to note that:
1.The supplied .xcl files reserve 50 bytes of RAM for the stack, regardless if this amount of stack is actually required (or if it is sufficient).
2.There is no runtime checking of the stack. The stack can overflow the 50 reserved bytes and possible overwrite the other segments. No error will be output.
The supplied .xcl files can be easily modified to tune the size of the stack to the needs of the application; simply edit
2.2.5How to Generate Texas Instrument .TXT (and other format) Files
The Kickstart linker can be configured to output objects in TI .TXT format for use with the GANG430 and PRGS430 programmers. Select: PROJECT-
Refer to FAQ, Program Development #6).
2.2.6Overview of Example Programs
Example programs for MSP430 devices are provided in <Installation Root>\Embedded Workbench x.x\430\FET_examples. Each tool folder contains folders that contain the assembler and C sources.
<Installation Root>\Embedded
Workbench\x.x\430\FET_examples\fet_projects.eww conveniently organizes the FET_1 demonstration code into a workspace. The workspace contains assembler and C projects of the code for each of the FET tools. Debug and Release versions are provided for each of the projects.
<Installation Root>\Embedded Workbench
x.x\430\FET_examples\code_examples.eww conveniently organizes the code examples into a workspace. The workspace contains assembler and C projects of the code for each of the FET tools. Debug and Release versions are provided for each of the projects.
<Installation Root>\Embedded Workbench x.x\430\FET_examples\contents.htm conveniently organizes and documents the examples.
Additional code examples can be found on the MSP430 home page under
Design Resources.