Frequently Asked Questions
low power mode is restored (using GO). This behavior appears to happen on all devices except the MSP430F12x.
12)The following ZIF sockets are used in the FET tools and Target Socket modules:
Yamaichi: http://www.yamaichi.us/
A.2 Program Development (Assembler, C-Compiler, Linker)
1)The files supplied in the 430\tutor folder work only with the simulator. Do not use the files with the FET. Refer to FAQ: Program Development #11)
2)A common MSP430 “mistake” is to fail to disable the Watchdog mechanism; the Watchdog is enabled by default, and it will reset the device if not disabled or properly handled by your application. Refer to FAQ, Program Development #14).
3)When adding source files to a project, do not add files that are #include’ed by source files that have already been added to the project (say, an .h file within a .c or .s43 file). These files will be added to the project file hierarchy automatically.
4)In assembler, enclosing a string in
5)When using the compiler or the assembler, if the last character of a source line is backslash (\), the subsequent carriage return/line feed is ignored (i.e., it is as if the current line and the next line are a single line). When used in this way, the backslash character is a “Line Continuation” character.
6)The linker output format must be “Debug info” or “Debug info with terminal I/O” (.d43) for use with
.TXT file.
7)Position Independent code can be generated (using PROJECT-
8)Within the C libraries, GIE (Global Interrupt Enable) is disabled before (and restored after) the hardware multiplier is used. Contact TI if you wish the source code for these libraries so that this behavior can be disabled.