Development Flow
2.1 Overview
Applications are developed in assembler and/or C using the Workbench, and they are debugged using C-SPY. C-SPY is seamlessly integrated into the Workbench. However, it is more convenient to make the distinction between the code development environment (Workbench) and the debugger (C-SPY). C- SPY can be configured to operate with the FET (i.e., an actual MSP430 device), or with a software simulation of the device. Kickstart is used to refer to the Workbench and C-SPY collectively. The Kickstart software tools are a product of IAR.
Documentation for the MSP430 family and Kickstart is extensive. The CD-ROM supplied with this tool contains a large amount of documentation describing the MSP430. The MSP430 home page (www.ti.com/sc/msp430) is another source of MSP430 information. The components of Kickstart (workbench/debugger, assembler, compiler, linker) are fully documented in <Installation Root>\Embedded Workbench x.x\common\doc and <Installation Root>\Embedded Workbench\430\doc. .htm files located throughout the Kickstart directory tree contain the most up to date information and supplement the .pdf files. In addition, Kickstart documentation is available on-line via HELP.
Read Me Firsts from IAR and TI, and this document, can be accessed using:
Tool | User’s Guide | Most Up To Date |
| | Information |
Workbench/C-SPY | EW430_UsersGuide.pdf | readme.htm, ew430.htm, |
| | cs430.htm, cs430f.htm, |
Assembler | EW430_AssemblerReference.pdf | a430.htm, a430_msg.htm |
Compiler | EW430_CompilerReference.pdf | icc430.htm, icc430_msg.htm |
C library | | CLibrary.htm |
Linker and Librarian | xlink.pdf | xlink.htm, xman.htm, xar.htm |
2.2 Using Kickstart
The Kickstart development environment is function-limited. The following restrictions are in place:
The C compiler will not generate an assembly code list file.
The linker will link a maximum of 4K bytes of code originating from C source (but an unlimited amount of code originating from assembler source).