Basic Troubleshooting Tips
The following is a basic troubleshooting guide that can assist you in resolving typical problems may result in normal operation. If you have encountered problems that are not listed in this guide, please contact your Runco dealer for assistance.
The Projector does not turn on | · The | · Use a standard |
after initial installation. The | not connected between the | |
Power LED on the front of the | Controller and Projector, or is | firmly plugged into both the |
Controller stays red after the | connected improperly. | Controller and the Projector. |
power button is pressed. | · The projector is not plugged in, | · Ensure there is good conti- |
| or its AC outlet is not active. | nuity in the |
| Look at its power LED and see if | · Verify that the AC outlet is |
| it is illuminated. | active, or that the Projector is |
| · Incorrect phone cord | plugged in. |
The Projector and Controller | · The Controller is on the wrong | · Press MENU on the |
are both on, but there is no | source. | Projector's remote, and look |
video image | · The Controller is on the correct | to see which source is active |
| source, but the source itself is | (the arrow will be pointing to |
| off. | the active source). Select the |
| correct source as appropriate. |
| · Turn on the source. It is rec- |
| ommended that all sources be |
| turned on first BEFORE the |
| |
The Projector is producing a | · A progressive scan DVD is | · Only NTSC/PAL can be input |
'split screen' or an otherwise | plugged into Component input | to the Component input. |
scrambled image. | rather than the RGB/Component | Progressive scan must go into |
| input. | RGB/Component. |
The image appears too bright, | · Contrast is set too high. | · Turn down the CONTRAST |
and there is a loss of definition | · The DVD player is set for a | level on the Controller. Mid- |
in the brightest areas of the | range is 0; | |
image. | · The video signal has not been | · Set the DVD player for a |
| terminated properly somewhere | nominal output (no boost or |
| in the system. | gain). |
| · Ensure all video signals are |
| terminated in 75 Ohms. |