In general, minimize or eliminate light sources directed at the screen. Contrast ratio in your | Ambient Light |
images will be noticeably reduced if light directly strikes the screen, such as when a shaft |
of light from a window or floodlight falls on the image. Images may then appear washed |
out and less vibrant. |
Throw distance is the distance measured from the front of the projector to the screen. | Throw Distance |
This is an important calculation in any projector installation as it determines whether or not |
you have enough room to install your projector with a desired screen size and if your |
image will be the right size for your screen. |
You can quickly estimate the throw distance by taking the width of the screen and |
multiplying it by the lens throw ratio; see Figure |
roughly how far back the projector should be positioned from the screen in order to |
project a focused image large enough to fill the screen. |
Estimating Throw Distance
Throw Distance (TD) =
Screen Width (w) x Lens Throw Ratio
Screen | width |
| (w) | |
Figure 3-2. Estimating Throw Distance
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