8Patch Release Note
PCR: 02340 | Module: IPG | Network affecting: No |
PIM was disabled permanently if the RESET IP command, or the DISABLE IP command followed by the ENABLE IP commands were executed. PIM is now automatically restarted if these commands are used.
PCR: 02356 | Module: FIREWALL | Network affecting: No |
Previously the SET FIREWALL POLICY RULE command permitted the use of the GBLIP and GBLPORT parameters in ways that were not permitted by the ADD FIREWALL POLICY RULE command. This caused problems when a configuration file was generated because some of the illegal parameters from the SET command were put into the ADD command. This resulted in a configuration that contained illegal parameter combinations. The restrictions placed on the GBLIP and GBLPORT parameters in the ADD command have now been implemented in the SET command so that these problems do not occur.
PCR: 02358 | Module: IPG | Network affecting: No |
IP ARP packets that had invalid header values were erroneously accepted by the router. Also, IP packets with a Class E source IP address were erroneously fowarded. These issues have been resolved.
PCR: 02371 | Module: FIREWALL | Network affecting: No |
When the system time was set to a time that was before or significantly after the current time, Firewall sessions were prematurely deleted. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 02400 | Module: | Network affecting: No |
If a problem occurred with NVS, some critical files were lost. As a result, the equipment was forced to load only boot ROM software at boot time. This patch combined with the new version of the boot ROM software
PCR: 02491 | Module: IPG | Network affecting: No |
The ARP cache is now updated when a gratuitous ARP request or reply packet is received.
PCR: 02506 | Module: OSPF IPG | Network affecting: No |
The ADD IP ROUTE FILTER optional parameter INTERFACE caused the filter to not work on the OSPF external LSA’s flooding.
The SHOW IP ROUTE FILTER interface name output was truncated to 6 characters. These issues have been resolved.
PCR: 02511 | Module: Ping | Network affecting: No |
Executing the PING command sometimes caused a memory leak. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 02514 | Module: IPG | Network affecting: No |
The CREATE CONFIGURATION command inserted the IMTLEAVE parameter into the configuration script when the IMTLEAVE parameter was undefined. This caused an error in the configuration script. This issue has been resolved.