22 | Patch Release Note |
but is now checked by ICMP handlers for attacks and eligibility. If the ICMP traffic matches a NAT rule, NAT will occur on inbound and outbound traffic. HTTP 1.0 requests sometimes caused the firewall HTTP proxy to close prematurely. Cached TCP sessions were sometimes not hit correctly. These issues have been resolved.
PCR: 02242 | Module: IPG | Network affecting: No |
On a Rapier 24, adding an IP interface over a FR interface caused an
ASSERT debug fatal error. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 02250 | Module: FIREWALL | Network affecting: No |
Sometimes the Firewall erroneously used NAT. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 02259 | Module: DHCP, IPG | Network affecting: No |
A dual Ethernet router was incorrectly accepting an IP address from a DHCP server when the offered address was on the same network as the other Ethernet interface. An error is now recorded when DHCP offers an address that is in the same subnet as another interface.
DS3 Interfaces
■44.736 Mbit/s interface rate, 44.210 Mbit/s payload data rate
■Separate transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) BNC connectors
■B3ZS line encoding
■Automatic compensation for lines up to 135m (450ft)
■Loop or internal timing
■Support for PPP and Frame Relay encapsulation
The interface meets the following specifications:
■ANSI T1.103, Digital Hierarchy - Synchronous DS3 Format
■ANSI T1.107, Digital Hierarchy - Formats
■ANSI T1.231, Digital Hierarchy - Layer 1
■RFC 2496 (DS3 MIB)
Digital Signal 3 (DS3) is a classification of digital signals, and sits at Layer One of the OSI model. The purpose of Layer One is to provide a transmission link between two entities and to monitor the quality of the link. In DS3 the link monitoring is achieved by adding overhead information alongside the data payload.
The DS3 interface rate is 44.736 Mbit/s with a payload rate of 44.210 Mbit/s. The signal is partitioned into