Finally, the user may press <?> to see the list of commands which start with the text he has already typed, eg: User pressed <?>
command 'get-c' not found
Table 2-2 Commands Matching <get-c>
show current read or/and write community | |
retrieves the VLAN connectivity matrix | |
gets the collision distribution counters per port | |
Command Line Interface Structure
The CLI has several categories of commands:
❑Console related commands: help, banner, console parameters setup, etc.
❑System related commands: reset commands, download commands, initialize the NVRAM with defaults, etc.
❑IP commands: parameter setup, parameter and information display, etc.
❑SNMP agent related commands: parameter setup, management and traps options
❑Switching Database related commands: aging time management and Switching Database entry management
❑Virtual LAN commands
❑Port Configuration related commands
❑Switching statistics commands
❑Spanning Tree related commands
See the quick reference at the end of this chapter for a command list separated by subject.