PLANET IP PBX user’s manual
2.9.2SIP UA
SIP UA lists the registration status of each client and remote IP PBX, and the IP Address/Port from where they register. SIP trunk registrations, if any, also show at the end of the list. The Dynamic column shows the listed IP address is dynamic or static. Reg. Progress is the response code and message if registration has been attempted but not successful so far. Slave Registrar column is used only under the stackable mode. It indicates with which slave box a SIP client is registered. Blank means a client is registered with the master box locally.
2.9.3CDR Log
The CDR(Call Detail Record) Log shows each call record including Calling and Dialed Numbers, Caller ID, Destination Interface(trunk if outbound) in use, epochs when the call was made, answered and ended, and which yield the total and billable durations. The last column denotes the disposition of a call like answered or not.
2.9.4System Events
Event log includes reported events from following system services: NTP, DNS, DHCP, and PPPoE.
2.9.5Active Calls
The Active Calls page shows current active calls. Columns Client and Party indicate the involved extensions or trunks of a call. State shows the state of a call, while Service gives the current action of the listed Client.