Powerware 5115A USB User’s Guide
Silencing an Audible Alarm
Special Symbols
Starting the UPS on Battery
Powerware 5115A USB
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5115A USB User’s Guide
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Image 36
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Powerware 5115A USB
User’s Guide
Special Symbols
Powerware 5115 -Introduction Installation
Powerware 5115 Introduction
S p e c t i n g t h e E q u i p m e n t
F e t y P r e c a u t i o n s
Typical UPS Installation
S ta l l i n g t h e U P S
S R e a r P a n e l s
VA Rear Panel
Communication Port
Powerware 5115A USB User’s Guide
Starting the UPS on Battery
Tu r n i n g t h e U P S O n
Tu r n i n g t h e U P S O f f
Ta n d b y M o d e
S F r o n t P a n e l
I t i a t i n g t h e S e l f Te s t
Additional UPS Features
M m u n i c a t i o n P o r t
B P o r t
Communication Port Pin Assignment
T w o r k Tr a n s i e n t P r o t e c t o r
Network Transient Protector
Powerware 5115A USB User’s Guide
UPS Maintenance
S a n d B a t t e r y C a r e
Storing the UPS and Batteries
P l a c i n g B a t t e r i e s
UPS Maintenance
Te s t i n g N e w B a t t e r i e s
C y c l i n g t h e U s e d B a t t e r y
Powerware 5115A USB User’s Guide
Weights and Dimensions
Model List and Mechanical
Environmental and Safety
Electrical Output
Battery Run Times in Minutes
Powerware 5115A USB User’s Guide
D i b l e Alarm s a n d U P S C o n d i t i o n s
Silencing an Audible Alarm
Indicator Legend Lit Flashing Troubleshooting Guide
Alarm or Condition Possible Cause Action
Beep UPS is running on Every
Output voltage is below
Service and Support
Call the Powerware National Service and Repair Centre
Powerware 5115A USB User’s Guide
Warranty Information
Warranty Information
Within 30 days and receive
Extended Ten-Year Pro-Rated Warranty Claims Procedure
$50,000 Computer/Load Protection Guarantee
Dandenong VIC Australia
Standard Warranty Registration
Web Site Customer Service Offices
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