Chapter 4: AMI BIOS
4.7.2 Boot Sector Recovery from an IDE CD-ROM
This process is almost identical to the process of Boot Sector Recovery from a USB device, except that the BIOS image file is loaded from a
4.7.3Boot Sector Recovery from a Serial Port ("Serial Flash")
This process, also known as "Serial Flash," allows the user to use a serial port to load a BIOS image for Boot Sector recovery. This feature is usually used for embed- ded systems that rely on a serial port for remote access and debugging.
In order to use Serial Flash for Boot Sector Recovery, you will need to meet the following requirements.
•The "Target system," the system that needs BIOS updates, must have a serial port and "Serial Flash" support embedded in the BIOS image file.
•The "Host system" should also have a serial port and a terminal program that supports XModem Transfer protocol (Hyper Terminal for the Windows operating systems, and minicom for Linux/FreeSBD, etc.).
•A Null_modem serial cable
How to use Serial Flash for Boot Sector Recovery
1.Connect a Null_modem serial cable between the target system and the host system that runs the terminal program.
2.Make sure that the new BIOS Image file is accessible for the host system.
3.Start the terminal program on the host system and create a new connection. Use the following communication parameters for the new connection.
•Bits per second: 115200 bits/sec.
•Data Bits: 8
•Parity: None
•Stop Bit: 1
•Flow Control: None