Chapter 4: AMI BIOS
Plug & Play OS
Selecting Yes allows the OS to configure Plug & Play devices. (This is not required for system boot if your system has an OS that supports Plug & Play.) Select No to allow the AMI BIOS to configure all devices in the system.
PCI Latency Timer
This feature sets the latency Timer of each PCI device installed on a PCI bus. Select 64 to set the PCI latency to 64 PCI clock cycles. The options are 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224 and 248.
PCI IDE BusMaster
When this feature is enabled, the BIOS uses PCI bus mastering for reading/writing to IDE drives. The options are Disabled and Enabled.
SR-IOV Supported
Single Root I/O Virtualization is an
This feature allows you to Enable or Disable any of the PCI slots. The options are Enabled and Disabled.
Onboard LAN Option ROM Select
Use this feature to select the type of onboard LAN option ROM. The options are iSCSI and PXE.
Load Onboard LAN1 Option ROM/Load Onboard LAN2 Option ROM
Select Enabled to enable the onboard LAN1 or LAN2 Option ROM. This is to boot computer using a network interface. The default setting for LAN1 is Enabled. The default setting for LAN2 is Disabled.
Boot Graphics Adapter Priority
This feature allows the user to select the priority graphics adapter for system boot. The options are Offboard VGA, Onboard VGA, and Slot 6.